Wednesday, June 22, 2011

365 Where am I??

Wow, it's been a full month since I last posted. This is not good. I have to admit I haven't been keeping to the 365 especially well. I've missed another couple of days. I guess it'll more like a year in review than a 365! The rain got me down. I just hate taking pictures inside, and those straight days of dreary rain took all the fun out of outdoor photography. So I guess this won't be an official 365, but I'll still keep posting. It'll take me a while to get this updated though, so be patient.

I'll try a complete 365 next year, when I'm not trying to finish a degree and wrangle a small puppy.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

365 Day 143

Paisley had a playdate with Zack, our neighbour from a few doors down. They had a fabulous time, and played so well together. Paisley wasn't nervous at all, which we were very happy about. They were well matched, and took turns chasing and wrestling. So cute! Sadly, it was raining, so we ended up with some soggy dogs - and people for that matter!

365 Day 142

I defended my thesis on Wednesday, so my fabulous friends gave me flowers! I have 3 vases of flowers in the house. Lucky me!

364 Day 141

365 Day 140

365 Day 139

365 Day 138

365 Day 137

365 Day 136

365 Day 135

365 Day 134

365 Day 133

365 Day 132

Wow, I haven't updated in over a week! I have been taking pictures, but just haven't had time to post them. And yes, most of the are of Paisley! Partly this is because she is so cute, and partly it's because she is all I see these days. If I'm not at work I'm hanging out with her. Once she is vaccinated and we can walk I'm sure I will start taking pictures of other things. In the meantime, get used to seeing a lot of Paisley!!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

365 Day 118

John's dinner.

365 Day 117

I find it a bit amusing that one of the medications I am taking for my elbow is the same one Molly used to take for her hips.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

365 Day 116

Ina made a Fascinator for Fiona today. Note: picture taken with cellphone!

Monday, April 25, 2011

365 Day 115

I have injured the nerves in my elbow (ulnar & radial neuropathy). It probably started with my cycling accident, as my elbow hasn't been right since, and I clearly injured it, given the scar that remains. However, it's getting worse all the time. I don't know what to do about it. It is causing me a lot of trouble - I was in tears after cycling home from work on Sunday, and it is making everything from cleaning the house to taking pictures nearly impossible. Sheesh. 

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

365 Day 109

I'm still annoyed that I forgot to take a picture yesterday. 

365 Day 108

I can't believe it! I forgot to take a picture last night. We went out for dinner with friends at the last minute, came home, watched some puppy videos, and went straight to bed. Usually I wake up and remember to get up to get a picture, but I was so tired last night I went right to sleep. Sheesh! I could have cheated, but that seemed wrong. So no picture for Day 108, which sucks.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

365 Day 104

John doesn't like the fancy collar I bought for Paisley - it's too feminine! I think it's adorable, and will suit a parti poodle perfectly!

The collars are made by a Lethbridge craftsperson. She customized the collar for me, and had it made and sent in a couple of days. I highly recommend her. You can find her store here:

365 Day 103

I dropped my gloves on the table when I came in from my ride. This is how they landed.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

365 Day 100

365 Day 99

I am going to try weekly themes again. This week it's looking at things from a different perspective. And that doesn't necessarily mean angle, it can mean seeing things differently. For example, kleenex is just a product, but it can also be quite pretty in the right light and shadow.
